The lower jaw and chin are the parts that determine the overall appearance of the face. A well-shaped jaw and chin can be achieved by corrective jaw surgery, which contributes to achieving an elegant profile and symmetrical proportions with the nose, forehead, and neck.
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What is jaw surgery?
Some people have some deformities which can be genetics or they can be awkward which happens over the development. For example, cleft palate is a common jaw deformity. It is when children are born with a deficiency of a gap in the lip or a gap in a palate. They undergo multiple surgeries to come back to a normal life. Only a licensed oral maxillofacial surgeon can legally perform this treatment.
Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, is an operation that is reconstructive of the face where it corrects abnormally position to normal position and normal size. The highlight of the surgery is that it is done without any scars.
It is basically surgery that straightens the jaws and puts them in the correct place. The medical definition for orthognathic surgery is a surgical correction of abnormalities of the lower or upper jaw or bot (corrective jaw surgery in short).
It is a unique procedure because it affects both patient’s function as well as their aesthetic appearance but primarily function. Any patients that considering it, have difficulty chewing function or speech, problems even with swallowing or they might even have difficulty breathing.
Lower or upper jaw surgery may be necessary to correct the disposition of jaws. It is usually caused by:
- birth defects;
- injures to the face and jaw;
- when the lower and upper jaw are developed differently.
The surgery may be required in order to realign the jaws to ideal positions for braces treatment.
Patients often ask is jaw surgery necessary for an overbite. Yes, it is required when a person with an open bite has space between the jaws even with a closed mouth.
What are the different types of jaw surgery?
Upper jaw correction (Maxillofacial surgery)
Oral maxillofacial surgery corrects the upper jaw which is also called maxilla. The maxillofacial surgeon breaks jaw bones electively by making cuts in the jaw bone and repositioning them to improve on the patient’s facial appearance and also their functionally.
Lower jaw correction (Mandibular surgery)
This operation is performed on the lower jaw to correct its position. The doctor cuts the bone of the lower jaw to create a new position. This is a common underbite surgery.
Lower and upper jaw surgery
Double jaw surgery corrects both lower and upper jaw. It is often used to treat obstructive sleep apnea. It corrects the patient’s jaw deformities to prevent the tongue and other soft tissues from blocking the airway during sleep.
Chin surgery
It corrects lower jaw and chin. Many times the surgeon combines both procedures into the same surgery.
Jaw surgery has multifactorial benefits and these depend on a patient. In some people their upper jaw needs to be operated on, some patients the lower jaw needs to be operated on and some patients both of their jaws need to operate on the fix.
Many people consider having plastic surgery jaw reconstruction due to aesthetic reasons. For example, a lot of women in Korea undergo square jaw reduction surgery because they’ve been struggling with a wide-angled jaw. It is a popular procedure that makes the face look youthful and smoother.
The doctors normally decide on what type of aesthetic reconstructive jaw surgery to do on the patient’s cosmetic look and also on their bite.
How is jaw surgery performed in Singapore?
Singapore jaw surgery is performed by facial and oral surgeons to reposition jaws and teeth and to normalize basic functions like speaking, chewing, and breathing. An orthodontist can perform this treatment to correct a patient’s bite if only the teeth are misaligned.
The first thing surgeons do is take the wisdom teeth out. Once the wisdom teeth are out the operation is done in the same area. The inside part of the jaw is split from the outside part of the jaw where the two sides can slide independently. They don’t break it in half or fell the rest they simply slide it. The jaw may need to come forward, sometimes it may need to come back or need to go one side more than the other side. After the jaw has been brought forward and the teeth are matching plates and screws are used to hold them in position.
All types are performed under a general anaesthetic. This procedure is done inside the mouth. So everything is done inside and the beauty of that is nothing has to show on the face, so there are no scars. The incision is made in the mouth to do the whole operation. The procedure is done in the hospital. The surgery itself depending on what’s done because every patient is different but an average it takes about two hours to do a single jaw surgery. A double jaw is going to take roughly four hours may be depending on what needs to be done. The patient may be able to go home the same day after the operation or be required to stay in the hospital for two or three evenings.
Recovery after a jaw surgery
After the operation is done, the jaws are not wired shut but there are some limitations and functions. The patient should be on a no chew diet after jaw surgery for up to six weeks. There is a fair amount of swelling that can persist for up to two to three weeks postoperatively. Usually, it is not a painful operation but there is a fair amount of swelling which can be uncomfortable. Patients normally can return work or school two to three weeks after the operation, depending on how they feel. Full healing of the jaws may take between nine months and one year.
Jaw surgery requires a long-term commitment. It is a life-changing operation and the beauty of it is the one operation that really affects the psyche. It is a very rewarding surgery.
How much is jaw surgery in Singapore?
The price of the operation depends on the treatment plan and on the type of jaw surgery that is going to be performed. A complex surgery such as lower and upper jaw is more expensive than a single jaw operation. The average cost is between $15000 and $24000. Medisave can be also used for payment from all Singapore residents but this not cover private hospital bills.
Is Jaw surgery covered by insurance?
A lot of insurance companies may permit claims for orthodontic surgery. Although it will depend on the surgery classification and the type of policy that the patient bought. If the operation is done for aesthetic reasons, the insurance company will probably not allow claims for it.
Any person who is considering orthognathic surgery in Singapore must visit a specialist. The information provided here is not professional advice and it can not replace patient consultation.