Facial Hair Removal Singapore – Permanent Removal, Creams, Lasers, Systems and Methods

Facial hair can occur in both men and women. And while it is something normal in men, for women facial hair can be a big problem.

Facial hair in women is usually less visible. However, there are ladies who, for one reason or another, have more pronounced facial and body hair. This may be due to a hormonal imbalance, genes, disease, or simply nature. It is usually in the form of light moss over the upper lip and sideburns. If your hairs are darker and you notice them in other areas of the face, it will certainly affect your self-esteem. Unwanted facial hair is annoying, unpleasant, and can make a woman feel very bad emotionally. Here we will explain to you the different hair removal treatments as well as some ways for permanent facial hair removal in Singapore.

What causes facial hair in women?

There can be many reasons for facial hair in women. One of the main causes is higher levels of male hormones in a woman’s body. Male hormones are called androgens, the best known of which is testosterone. All women produce a certain amount of testosterone, but higher levels can increase the growth of your hair on your face and body.

One of the main causes of high levels of male hormones in women is a polycystic ovary syndrome – a condition that causes the formation and growth of cysts on the surface of the ovaries (the organs that produce eggs and female sex hormones). As well as having excess hair, women with polycystic ovary syndrome can also develop overweight, irregular menstruation, severe acne, and problem skin.

In a small number of cases, increased facial hair in women can be caused by:

  • medicines;
  • other rare hormonal disorders;
  • if the woman is overweight or obese.

Often facial hair in the female is caused by genetics.

hair removal wax, epilator and safety razor

Temporary facial hair removal methods


By definition, shaving is a male ritual. It is an everyday habit, just like makeup for women. Depending on each individual’s taste, as well as the growth of the beard, shaving can be a necessity or just a way to change the way you look. From a perfectly smooth shave, through a thick mustache and a carpenter’s beard, each decade brings with it different trends. Although, shaving is a very quick and inexpensive way to remove hair it has many disadvantages. Apart from the fact that hair grows very fast, shaving may cause unwanted and very unpleasant ingrown hairs.


Tweezer is a popular ladies facial hair remover. It is a cheap and easy way to get rid of unwanted hair. This method is commonly used for shaping eyebrows. But if you want to remove hair on larger areas tweezing can be really labor-intensive and annoying. Also, if you are going to pluck your hairs, you need to make sure that you are not prone to getting folliculitis or inflammation on the hair follicle after you pluck because it can lead to infections and other problems that you don’t want.


This method has not lost its significance because there are no contraindications for it – it does not cause allergic reactions, does not lead to faster hair growth, is practically painless, and works quite quickly. Some complications of the epilators may occur in women whose skin is not sufficiently hydrated and exfoliated. In such cases, the hairs can grow back and form pimples and redness. Some women also cannot tolerate the pain of the epilator.


Waxing is a method for the temporary removal of unwanted facial hair. This is most commonly used on the eyebrows and upper lip, but there are also people who remove hair in the chin and sideburns. Many people prefer waxing because it is more durable than shaving, is faster than pulling the hair with tweezers, and is not as expensive as laser hair removal. The procedure can be done at home by using facial wax strips or in a salon by a specialist. You must keep in mind that if you do it at home there is a risk of skin irritation.

Depilatory cream

If you don’t want to feel any pain, depilatory cream is a good alternative to waxing and epilation. Facial remover creams are affordable and easy to use but you should know that they contain some chemical ingredients that may cause some allergy reactions.


It is a method that has been used to remove facial hair for centuries. As the word suggests threading is literally removing hair with a thread. The results can last longer than shaving and there is no risk of skin reaction. The disatvantage of the method is that it is a little bit painful way of removing facial hair.

Long-term hair removal methods in Singapore

Laser treatment for facial hair removal in Singapore

Laser facial hair removal is number one among the most popular procedures in Singapore. The most performed procedures are on the chin and upper lip. The truth is that millions of women are embarrassed because their faces are covered with unsightly hairs and are not as smooth as they would like. Some of them pluck or shave which mainly leads to stronger and darker hair than the original. In addition, they get skin inflammations and often constant irritations due to the periodicity of hair removal. Laser hair removal in the face area is a sensible solution with long-term results. It is fast, easy, and much more comfortable than other methods such as waxing and electro-epilation. The laser light is absorbed by the pigment of the hair follicle, and it does not need to be plucked to make the procedure effective.

This is the ideal procedure for a lunch break that takes less than 30 minutes. The laser can be used both for full body hair removal and for any part of your face – cheekbones, upper lip, and the entire chin. The best thing about these devices is that you don’t have to wait for the hair to grow to the required length to be able to do the hair removal. This has always been a problem with other types of hair removal, but not with laser hair removal. The full course of laser procedures requires a number of visits. After the first procedure, you will notice a visible difference in hair density. You will also feel that your life is changing and you are getting closer to the smooth skin that you’ve always wanted.

woman undergoing a laser skin treatment

What is the process of getting laser hair removal done in Singapore?

First, you need to consult a specialist who will do some tests and see if you are reacting to the laser. If you haven’t reacted (you haven’t had any redness or swelling) then you are good to undergo treatment and you can book your first appointment. Before the session you also need to do a little bit of pre-work – you need to shave the area that you want to get lasered. It should be done the night before the treatment. Once you get into the clinic, the area that you want to get laser will be marked. After that, the laser is applied over the area to damage the hair follicles. It will also inhibit hair growth. Lastly, the physician will observe the treated area for a couple of minutes to make sure there are no adverse reactions.

What to expect after the procedure?

You might be slightly red after the procedure, and the more sensitive areas on your skin may form red circles. Older technologies use stronger energy without a good cooling mechanism and the skin can remain red for several days, while with newer technologies the redness disappears within a few hours.

Is one procedure enough to get rid of unwanted hair? If you want to see a result you have to be consistent! The hair growth is different, both in different people and in different areas. With one procedure you will remove only the hairs that were in the active phase of growth, but after 30-40 days new hairs appear that were not in the active phase during the first procedure. Therefore, a number of procedures are required for darker hair – 6 or 7, and for some areas – up to 10 procedures may be required to obtain satisfactory results.

Laser hair removal is not a permanent reduction but it has long-lasting results. After completing a certain cycle of procedures, it is recommended to maintain the treated area once a year or according to individual needs. However, you cannot stop the natural cycle of hair growth.

Are there any side effects of getting laser hair removal done?

Laser hair removal is normally a safe procedure and side effects are rare. If your skin is sensitive you need to make sure that you are taking care of your skin, you are moisturizing and you are applying sunscreen when you go out. Direct sun contact a few days after the laser is not advised because you could burn your skin.

Ipl hair removal in Singapore

Hair removal with IPL is the second most popular method in Singapore after laser treatments. It is based on the impact of high-pulse light, which causes a thermal reaction in the subcutaneous tissue, leading to the destruction of hair and hair follicles. It is an effective method that will permanently reduce the number of hairs. However, it doesn’t mean it will lead to permanent removal of all hair.

Hair removal by IPL is suitable for various areas of the body, both small, and large areas. The treatment is considered safe for all skin types. Unlike all other methods of hair removal, it allows solving the unpleasant problem of ingrown hairs, various skin inflammations, etc. The principle of operation of IPL is the same as for laser hair removal. However, the laser is a more selective treatment while IPL is less targeted and is more likely to pick up surrounding tissues and cause some damage to the treatment.

woman undergoing laser hair removal on face

How much does facial hair removal cost in Singapore?

Laser hair removal in Singapore price range anywhere from a hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars a session and packages typically end up cheaper than that. Depending on where you go, there are many factors that affect the cost of laser hair removal. The main factor is the area that you are being treated on. Additionally who is providing the procedure drastically affects the price. If you are getting treated by a technician who is not that experienced you will probably pay less. However, if you want to be treated by someone who is an expert in the space or someone who has a master’s degree in medicine (they are typically those practitioners who are better at the services) the treatment potentially going to be more expensive.

What we are advising you to do is to make sure you are going to a provider that has not only the best possible equipment but it is also making sure that equipment is certified and consistently maintains that manufacturer.

An additional factor for the price is the type of laser. There is a massive difference in quality in this industry with regards to the lasers that are providing these procedures. Usually, laser treatment in Singapore is more expensive (up to $150) than IPL Around $50 – $100). The reason for the higher price of laser treatment is that it is safer than IPL and also gives better results in fewer sessions.

Which is the best facial hair removal treatment for you?

It is good to consult a qualified and experienced dermatologist who will give you specific information about the best facial hair removal system for you as well as the risks associated with the different methods. It is important to know that hair removal (regardless of the method) is not a completely safe and risk-free procedure.

You also need to understand that mechanical removal of facial hair leads to thickening and activation of hair. The biggest mistake with removing hair caused by hormonal changes is waxing or mechanical plucking with tweezers, thread, or epilator. These methods can be used without any risks in the body areas such as legs or arms, but if you use them on the face, the hairs can turn into thicker and darker.